Meals, Nutrition and Socialization

Eating right can be a challenge for anyone, but sometimes older adults need extra help with proper nutrition, whether at home or in a social environment. We offer two options for in-home meal assistances, Meals on Wheels and private-pay home delivered meals. In addition, we also operate numerous senior dining sites throughout Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties where individuals 60 and older (or accompanying a spouse 60 or older) can gather for meals, socialization and recreation.

Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels are delivered throughout Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties to qualifying seniors. These meals contain 1/3 of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for adults and comply with Florida Department of Elder Affairs guidelines. Meals on Wheels is a government funded program and an assessment is required. For information on the assessment process and to apply for service, please contact the Elder Help line locally at (850) 494-7100 or toll free at 1-800-963-5337.

Private-Pay Home Delivered Meals

We also offer home delivered meal service to meet the short or long term needs of those who do not qualify for government funded meals. This customized service provides frozen meals to individuals of any age. The meals are prepared under the supervision of a registered dietician and each meal meets one-third of the recommended dietary allowance for senior adults. New private-pay Meals on Wheels sign-ups include a $50 nonrefundable deposit, payable at time of application.

Both lunch/dinner meals and breakfast meals are available in packages of five or seven meals. Each lunch/dinner meal comes with milk and bread. The cost per meal is $7.50, which includes delivery.

Meals are delivered once a week between the hours of 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Once you enroll, we will call you to let you know the day of the week that meals are delivered in your area.

To review the terms of service and enroll online, click here.

Already Enrolled? Make your payments online!

For more information:
Council on Aging West Florida, Inc.
P.O. Box 17066
Pensacola, FL 32522
(850) 432-1475
Or e-mail

Senior Dining

For those who can and enjoy getting out for lunch, the Senior Dining Program is a neighborhood-based program which offers older citizens the opportunity to share their noon meal with others their age. Hot nutritious balanced meals are served to active adults 60 years and older at numerous convenient locations throughout Escambia and Santa Rosa counties. Meals are prepared fresh daily and contain one third of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for adults and comply with the Florida Department of Elder Affairs Guidelines. In addition, participants have an opportunity to join in arts and crafts projects, play games, and socialize. Serving times and location hours vary by site.

View our complete list of Senior Dining Sites.

2025 Council on Aging of West Florida
P.O. Box 17066 Pensacola, FL 32522 Phone: 850-432-1475
Homemaker and Companion AHCA Registration #4941
United Way Partner Agency
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Better Business Bureau Accredited Charity

Council on Aging of West Florida is compliant with the Better Business Bureau's Wise Giving Alliance Standards for Charity Accountability. Learn more at

Meals on Wheels America 2019 Member