
Meals on Wheels Makes an Impact on Local Seniors 01/29/2015

Meals on Wheels Makes an Impact on Local Seniors

By Brandi Welk, Development Director

%u201CThe meals are delivered straight to my home and I love that.%u201D These are the supportive words of current Meals on Wheels recipient, Frankie Gross. Gross, 81 years young, has been a recipient of Meals on Wheels through Council on Aging of West Florida for almost four years. When sitting down to speak with her about her experiences with the program, there was nothing but positivity and smiles all around.

%u201CI%u2019m very thankful for Meals on Wheels and its volunteers,%u201D said Gross, %u201CWithout them, I would be eating my regular food.%u201D Gross heard about the Meals on Wheels program through friends and family. From there, she was directed to Council on Aging of West Florida, where her case manager suggested Meals on Wheels be the program for her needs.

%u201CI choose to eat these meals over any regular food that I have. Think about it%u2026the meals have delicious mixed vegetables, pasta or some other starch, and a meat. What more could you need?%u201D Gross loves the convenience of the meals being delivered to her home and the health benefits. She does not have to go through the trouble of creating three different dishes every day. Each frozen meal is required to contain 1/3 of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for adults and comply with Florida Department of Elder Affairs guidelines. %u201CNot only do I get my daily nutrition,%u201D said Gross, %u201CBut I also enjoy visiting with my volunteers!%u201D

Council on Aging of West Florida%u2019s Meals on Wheels program would not be possible without their loyal volunteers. Almost 60 volunteer drivers deliver meals to clients in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties weekly. Not only are these volunteers assisting in providing nutrition for local seniors, but they also provide a level of socialization that these seniors may not get otherwise. %u201CMy little ladies who deliver my meals are absolutely precious,%u201D bragged Gross, %u201CWhenever they are going to be on vacation, they call me and let me know. I can tell that they really care about me and that means a lot.%u201D

Gross is one of many clients positively affected by Council on Aging of West Florida%u2019s Meals on Wheels program. The program complies with nutrition standards, provides socialization, and convenience for local seniors. If you or a loved one is interested or wants more information on the Meals on Wheels program, give Council on Aging of West Florida a call at (850) 432-1475. 

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