
The Retreat adult day care reopening protocols08/27/2020

Participants must be symptom free and provide a negative COVID – 19 test dated within 30 days of their reacceptance date into The Retreat. 

During Phase I there will be a limit of two participants per table for a census of 14 to 16 clients. Each week the family member will be asked to RSVP by Wednesday for the following week to ensure their spot. Drop ins will not be allowed at this time. 

Upon arrival at The Retreat, temperature checks of the participants will be taken. If their temperature is 100.4 or higher, they will be sent home. Any person showing, presenting signs or symptoms of, disclosing the presence of a respiratory infection, including, cough, fever, shortness of breath, or sore throat will be sent home immediately and asked to provide documentation that they were tested for COVID-19 and will not be able to return until they have provided such test results. The participant will be placed in a private area away from other individuals to ensure everyone remains healthy. An updated physicians’ form will also be required to return to the day care center. 

As the caregiver, you are accepting responsibility of this participant. If the participant must be sent home, due to illness, you must pick up the client within a 30 minute time frame. This will allow the center to maintain a healthy environment for our other participants and the staff. 

During Phase I – community transportation will not be allowed, only families can transport their loved ones. 

Mask will not be required but encouraged. A mask will be available to all participants should they want one. 

Although participants may meet one another, social distancing will be required while at the center. 

Community outings are on hold due to inability to social distance. 

Any person who becomes infected with COVID-19 must refrain from attending the adult day care and must provide two consecutive negative tests, with 48 hours between each test, to be accepted back into the Retreat.

Any person who has been in contact with any person(s) known to be infected with COVID-19, or a close contact of someone known to be infected with COVID-19 within the past 14 days will not be accepted until after a 14 day self-quarantine and a negative COVID-19 test. 

If you find out that anyone the participant has been around has tested positive, please DO NOT SEND THE PARTICPANT TO THE CENTER. 

Any person who traveled on a cruise ship within the last 14 days will not be accepted until after a 14-day self-quarantine and a negative COVID-19 test.

Should a staff member or participant test positive, everyone will be notified, and the daycare will be temporarily closed for a deep, sanitizing clean. A 14 day quarantine and 


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